Disney+ has just released the first teaser for “Bullet/Bullet,” a new original anime by Jujutsu Kaisen director Sung Hoo Park, during the 2024 APAC Content Showcase in Singapore. Diverging from Jujutsu Kaisen, “Bullet/Bullet” is an original creation not adapted from any manga. The teaser also revealed the series’ release period, with exclusive streaming on Disney+ slated for Summer 2025.
Sung Hoo Park is said to have dedicated a decade to crafting the story of “Bullet/Bullet,” yet the plot remains under wraps. The released footage offers glimpses into the anticipated series, featuring a young boy navigating a rugged cityscape in a custom muscle car, interspersed with scenes of a desert car race and a woman wielding an arm-mounted rocket launcher, all under the promise of “high-octane, action entertainment.” Alongside the teaser, Disney has also unveiled the series’ first official poster.
“Bullet/Bullet” appears to draw heavy inspiration from George Miller’s Mad Max series, with urban car chases reminiscent of “Akira.” The title and the enigmatic lead’s vehicle choice echo the 1968 Steve McQueen film “Bullitt,” known for its iconic Ford Mustang.
The series is directed by Sung Hoo Park, produced by his E&H Production and GAGA. Takahiro Yohimatsu, known for “Hunter x Hunter” and “Overlord,” is the chief animation director and character designer. Hidetaka Tenjin of “Space Battleship Yamato” fame is the concept and mechanical designer, and Shin Masiwa, noted for “Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood,” oversees the car action sequences.
The status of Jujutsu Kaisen Season 3 remains uncertain.
Fans of Jujutsu Kaisen must rely on Bullet/Bullet to tide them over until the highly anticipated third season arrives. Season 2, which covered the “Hidden Inventory,” “Premature Death,” and “Shibuya Incident” arcs, concluded in December 2023. Since then, details about the third season have been scarce.
What is known is that Season 3 is confirmed, with MAPPA studios at the helm. However, an official release date has yet to be announced. Initially, a 2025 release was expected, but with no recent updates, it could be delayed until 2026. This may be attributed to MAPPA’s extensive project lineup, including new seasons of Chainsaw Man, Vinland Saga, Hell’s Paradise, and Shinichirō Watanabe’s enigmatic new project, Lazarus.
The postponement may also stem from allegations of MAPPA’s mistreatment of its animation staff earlier this year. Animators and producers have accused the studio of imposing unfair working conditions, such as excessive time pressures and frequent overnight shifts. In response, MAPPA has reportedly undergone a management overhaul. Although the working conditions were not directly addressed, it is believed that the restructuring is a consequence of the grave allegations made by both former and current staff members.
Fonte: Youtube/Disney+